Tentacle Rig

This is a script I wrote for EA for rigging tentacles. One of the short comings of most tentacle rigs is that they are nurbs or spline IK based creating problems keeping the tentacle in proximity with geo they are supposed to be interacting with.

On this rig, the tentacle passes directly through the center of each controller. The IKstate controller acts as an up vector for that controller. The tentacle twists to match that up vector. The script creates FK, local IK, and world IK controllers

Here is a short video of the rig.

Here is a short video of the script being used. After creating a one degree curve with the fist cv where you want the rig to start, the second at the end. You then enter in how many bones and controllers you want, and what you want everything called. The script creates all of the controls and bones.

